October 22, 2021
This Charitable Donation policy (this “policy”) is effective as of October 22, 2021, by and between any and all prospective, existing, and future donors (the “Donor") and Mana Maoli (the “Recipient”) regarding charitable donations as described herein (the "Contribution"). The purpose of this policy is to set forth the terms and conditions pursuant to which the Donor shall provide and the Recipient shall receive the Contribution.
The Donor desires to continue to support the Recipient through its Contribution.
The Donor shall donate its Contribution which shall be accepted and used by the Recipient consistent with its charitable program(s)/purpose(s).
Donor and Recipient acknowledge that the Recipient shall have sole and complete control over the manner in which the Contribution is used by the Recipient for such charitable program(s)/purpose(s).
The Recipient and Donor acknowledge and agree that the Contribution shall not obligate or otherwise influence the Recipient to purchase, use, recommend, or arrange for the use of any products of the Donor or an affiliate of the Donor.
The Recipient represents and warrants to the Donor that the Recipient is a tax-exempt entity pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) or other applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Parties acknowledge that certain state or federal laws now or in the future may require Donor to disclose information on donations provided to charitable entities. Donor may report information about the Contribution provided under this policy, as required by law. Once reported, such information may be publicly accessible.
Notwithstanding any other provision in this policy, Recipient understands and agrees that Donor reserves the right to post on a website accessible to the public, information regarding funding under this policy, whether or not required by law, including the identity of the Recipient, the value of the Contribution, and the purposes for such Contribution, and other information as the Donor determines is appropriate.
Neither party may assign, directly or indirectly, by operation of law, change of control or otherwise, this policy or any rights or obligations hereunder, without the prior written consent of the other party.
This policy inures to the benefit of Recipient and Donor only, and no third party shall have any rights under it, except as expressly provided herein.